Renewable energy such as solar, wind and hydropower, can be used to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and while big national projects are needed to displace coal and gas, we can also make a difference with smaller projects at the community or domestic scale. What practically can be done in the short term to support low carbon energy production?

Home energy

  • When you next change your utility supplier, check out those offering green tarifs, and ideally ones that are clearly helping by investing in additional capacity.

  • Consider getting solar PV. Although the original Government feed-in tarif scheme has ended, energy providers will be offering an Export Guarantee, to compensate for any energy generated that is not used by the householder and goes onto the grid.

  • Make sure that when planning permission is being sought for renewable energy schemes in the Stroud District that you take a look and assuming you approve, write to offer support; the silent majority has been silent for too long (it is only a small but vocal minority opposed to renewables).

  • Heat pumps are also an important contributor to reducing the energy carbon footprint, and they are discussed under the heading of Projects/Buildings, where they form part of a wider retrofit agenda.

We have been gathering ideas on more significant changes that can be made in this area, so please visit the corresponding Projects/Energy-Production page to understand more about what people are proposing.

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